Sentiers d’été
Walks in Vaucluse (FR)
Walking used to be something you do in your holidays. Never would I have guessed that it became a way to keep healthy and to avoid your body from deteriorating. When Corona came over us and (in my case) retirement from a regular job started, it became clear that the body needs movement to stay healthy. I started to do regular walks and discovered that the mind benefits also from taking walks. As you can read below awareness of your surroundings grows, you get into the here and now. This also means a growing sensibility for images and inspiration for painting! I have always liked to paint portraits so I started the series of Brief Encounters below during the pandemic. On the other side I keep my diaries, also during holidays and I decided to work through these notes to start a series of paintings. I decided to limit the theme to the holidays in France and worked on it in a sketchbook. After editing texts and making sketches I started to paint and here are the first paintings from last year! Further on I will process memories with recent experiences!

oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas

oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas

oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas

oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas

oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas

Brief Encounters
In the spring of 2021 Holland was in a lock down. The whole country had to work at home which meant that most people worked behind a screen. To compensate the static situation people started to move consciously and so did I. I walked daily in and around Den Haag, which is where I live. I was much more aware of my surroundings and I thoroughly enjoyed the changes in nature during the winter and the coming of spring. During these walks I met people that stood out for some reason. After having finished the Berlin portraits (see below) I started to make notes and sketches in my notebook of people around me. The people I used for these sketches were sometimes known to me but most often I remarked someone walking across the street or people walking and talking behind me. Sometimes I only saw a glimpse of someone that made me wonder about such a person. The texts in the notebook may clarify that point.

After having done 21 portraits in my sketchbook I decided to paint a series of portraits as a memory of this period of pandemic. My Notebook would be the material and some of the text was also used in the portraits.

65×50 cm, Oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas

65×50 cm, Oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas

65×50 cm, Oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas

65×50 cm, Oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas

65×50 cm, Oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas

65×50 cm, Oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas

65×50 cm, Oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas

65×50 cm, Oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas
Berliner Porträte
In September 2020 A-Trans invited EX-MÊKH in Berlin to make installations in the shop windows of the Kleist-subway station. Under the name Femaler we created two installations based on gender: one was done by the woman in our collective and the other one was done by the two men. Highlighting the opening of the exhibition both installations were revealed by performances. During the days installing the work we made long walks in the city and I drew little sketches of people that caught my eye. I did so in a little book that I always carry with me. At night I would describe the persons in text. Later that year I started to make larger drawings of them on the Malieveld and in January I made sketches in oil paint and oil pastel on stone-paper. This way of working appealed to me, so I started a series of Brief Encounters: people I saw during Corona walks. Later I will put those on this page too. For now I will show the Berlin portraits in the order that I made them including all material. I made a video about the whole series and send it in for the Platforms Project NET 2021 teaser to be published on April 6th 2021.

Oilpaint, oilstick on stone paper, conté on paper – 40×50 cm

Oilpaint, oilstick on stone paper and conté on paper – 40×50 cm

Oilpaint, oilstick on stone paper and conté on paper – 40×50 cm

Oilpaint, oilstick on stone paper and conté on paper – 40×50 cm

Oilpaint, oilstick on stone paper and conté on paper – 40×50 cm

Oilpaint, oilstick on stone paper and conté on paper – 40×50 cm

Oilpaint, oilstick on stone paper and conté on paper – 40×50 cm
Muses and Metamorphoses
After finishing my researchtrip to the USA I processed the material into work that I showed at several occasions. Then I felt the urge to change my subjectmatter to a broader perspective. As a start I worked on my “Shard”- series, but I thought change as a subject might be appropriate in a world in which so much is happening. A series of small paintings with people from my diaries and the way I look at them now developed. I took the names of figures in Ovid’s Metamorphoses of which I thought it fitted the character I described and how it changed forme until now.

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas
Painting and text
In textdrawings you will find a development in which I started to use text from my diaries in my work. The first painting with text and painting that I did in 2014 was on the basis of an early entry in my diary. I was invited to participate in De Hommage for which a number of painters made an ode to Het Puttertje of the famous 17th century Dutch artist Carel Fabritius. The text I wrote was about a book an uncle gave to me as a present, it contained one hundred masterpieces from the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. It said more about my uncle and his enthusiasm for my drawings than about Het Puttertje which was in the Mauritshuis anyway. First I duplicated the text on canvas and I painted a free rendition of the little bird over it.

Oilpaint and conté on canvas – 23×35 cm
The way it worked out appealed to me so I took two texts about my hitchhiking adventures in Germany. Following the same procedure I painted Aquaplaning and Dillenburg, shown below. They were shown in Berlin at the Augentausch-exhibition at A-Trans in 2015.

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas – 80×65 cm

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas – 65x55cm
I started to experiment painting texts and punctuation marks on a monochrome background. Then I added imagery to it. I also processed memories of my time in California, right after Dutch art-school.

Oilpaint on canvas -different sizes

Oilpaint on canvas – 35×60 cm

Oilpaint on canvas – 50×60 cm

Oilpaint on canvas – 50×60 cm

Oilpaint on Canvas – 50×60 cm

Research USA
This was in anticipation of what came next: In 2016 I traveled in the USA with a grand from STROOM. I applied for research on Black Mountain College and some other influences I had during and right after Dutch art-school, when I studied at CCAC in Oakland California. My attention turned to Europe after all that but still echoes of this culture haunted me, so I wanted to know the relevance of these influences in my present practice. I wanted to have as much talks and discussions as I could to capture the state of the nation. So I traveled Greyhound.
Eventually this turned against me: this was the year that Trump campaigned to be president the first time and the media were full of his rhetoric. But the stories I heard and the people I spoke to talked about unemployment, poverty, evictions, divorce, unsufficient health-care, homelessness, hopelessness and more misery. It really got to me and my focus changed from my own intentions to the people instead. I wrote down quotes and descriptions in my diary. At home I made sketches of the people I met and wrote quotes in the sketches: The Pre-Trump Portraits. Eventually I painted small canvasses with these portraits.

Oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas

Oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas

Oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas

Oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas

Oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas

Oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas

Oilpaint on canvas – 17×21 cm

Oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas

Oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas
I also started to make sketches for larger work I wanted to make which I worked out in new paintings. My art-memories about working together and publishing Ysland Magazine in the eighties made me think about the way artists from New York socialized in bars and restaurants in the fifties.

Oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas -75×95 cm

Oilpaint and oilpastel on canvas -75×95 cm

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas

Oilpaint and charcoal on canvas