The shortest connection between two points is a straight line. When there are more points, a web will connect. Some connections will be used intensively, others find themselves on the edge of the web. In the exhibition MÊKH-web, Ellen Rodenberg, Kees Koomen and Maarten Schepers, will chart the network it has been developing in thirteen years.
MÊKH-web will take place from September 20 until October 6, 2019
The opening takes place September 20 from 19.00 until 23.00 h
Opening hours: September 21 and 23: 13-17h, September 27,28 and 29: 13-17 h, October 4,5, and 6 oktober 13-17 h
Venue: Quartair Contemporary Art Initiatives
Toussaintkade 55, Den Haag, Netherlands
During Hoogtij #58 on September 27 the tracks of MÊKH-web can be followed from 19.00 until 23.00 h
The members of EX-MÊKH, Maarten Schepers, Ellen Rodenberg and Kees Koomen, have invited artists that had an influence on them. These artists are Marian Wijnvoord (Berlin), Frans van Lent (Dordrecht) and Niels Post (Rotterdam)

During the last weekend, October 4,5 and 6, EX-MÊKH will organize a Live-web with a lot more artists from our network. No week will be the same, interweaving will take place by additions and shifts. The public and artists that have been following EX-MÊKH for some time now will know that it is advisable to keep an eye on social media all three weekends. Developments will be announced there.
EX-MÊKH is on Facebook, Kees en Ellen are on Instagram
Met dank aan Stroom, Den Haag
Ontwerp Affiche: Ben Faydherbe