For Platforms Project NET 2021 EX-MÊKH decided to make a video of the making of an installation. In it one could follow the decisions of each member on enriching the whole. Maarten Schepers built a booth like the ones we usually show our work in Athens in. During a cold week in February we came together daily to add to the installation. We decided the booth could also be seen as a stage on which performance could take place, so a number of actions were executed. We didn’t talk to each other about what each of us would do so we went through a series of surprises. My personal input was based on works of artists that inspired me. Here you can see my additions to the Stage Arousal as the video was called. I leave it to you to recognise the inspiration for the work!
The Reason Why…
Here are the three video’s EX-MÊKH presented at Platforms Project NET 2021:
On the 28th of may Jane Huldman retired from her work at STROOM in Den Haag. Everybody in the art-scene in Den Haag knows and loves her and her colleagues at STROOM asked all of us to send a memory or a thought about Jane. It resulted in a digital Liber Amicorum. In spite of a late start, it was a pleasure to make a personal portrait of Jane in the way I am working on my Brief Encounters series. You can see the result below!