De Aanschouw benefit auction

The yearly benefit auction for De Aanschouw, Rotterdams smallest art gallery, was held March 2 in studio building Het Wilde Weten in Rotterdam. I offered one of my shard-drawings to be sold, archeology of my past. A reasonable price was offered after a long rally in which the auctioneer, Rotterdam Artist Inge Aanstoot, did her very best to raise the biddings. The benefit was a succes: the art that was offered and sales were very satisfying.

The bidding is on!
Shard (The Diaries (San Francisco 2016) – 2021

You can find an account of the auction here!

Anonyme Zeichner*innen 2024

November 15, 2024 – January 12, 2025 – Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin (D)

Tijdens de tweejaarlijkse tentoonstelling Anonyme Zeichnungen 2024 hangt ook werk van mij tussen de duizend andere tekeningen. Het betreft een grote expositie met tekeningen van een beperkte grootte waarvoor een call uitging. In Kunstraum Kreuzberg hangen in een aantal zalen van verschillende kleur grote of kleinere groepen van tekeningen. Het geheel oogt wat overdonderend. Ik kon niet naar de opening, maar kreeg installatiefoto’s van de organisatie.

Rara, waar ben ik?
Shard (Greece diary 1993: Santorini)


Equinox was a succes with more then twenty performers on the Hof in Dordrecht. There were moments that the atmosphere was beautiful in slow movements with colour and sound.
My own performance existed of soundbytes that I spread out over the square by speaking them out to people, by writing them on little scraps of paper and hiding them on the square and by listening for sounds of the past on different places of the historic square. The soundbytes were pieces of conversation or cries that I noted during my project Walks to the Malieveld. You can find an account of the afternoon here! And a video by Steef van Lent can be found here!

I did also make two sketches of performers which you can see here:

A man pouring water (Frans van Lent)
A woman manipulating textiles (Marita Bulman)
Briefje met soundbyte


The Diaries project page

Kees Koomen: Mascara – 1984 (From the Mexican diary)

In spring I started the project page on this website on which I show the source of a lot of my work. It shows the sketches I make next to my texts in my diaries. Lots of them are the inspiration for new paintings, installations or performances. I recently published sketches from my trip to the US and Mexico in 1984 which proved a change of focus from the USA and western culture to the more European background I grew up in. I realised that I admired the Spanish colonial heritage in Mexico and California and that I never traveled to Spain. My interest in Spanish culture and Mediterranean culture in general began to grow. Ezra Pound’s translation of French troubadour poetry and Spanish Renaissance poetry was also an inspiration.

The Diaries September 17 until October 6, 2019

I am proud of the installation I did with my diary-texts over the period EX-MÊKH had the MÊKH-web exhibition at Quartair. Every day I would write the appropriate text on the wall with a high or low of the day with wool and push buddies. During opening days I would do this live for the public. Here you can see the final result, and here you can see the phases it went through.

The Diaries – September 17 until October 6, 2019