“Buitenlanders en andere Papoea’s” continued

In de boekwinkel…

Het boekomslag voor het boek met bovenstaande titel van Rob Verschuren waarover ik eerder schreef kreeg mooie reacties:

Op de cover van Buitenlanders en andere Papoea’s, de tweede verhalenbundel van Rob Verschuren (1953), prijkt een schilderij van de Haagse kunstenaar Kees Koomen. Na enig nazoeken kwam ik er achter dat het werk deel uitmaakt van een serie over zijn jeugd. Het lijkt erop of hij daarop reflecteert. Hij doet dat in spontane schildergebaren. Een goedgekozen omslag want in de tien verhalen die in de bundel schildert Verschuren de portretten van niet alledaagse personages, reflecteert hij op de samenleving, stelt hij alledaagse thema’s aan de orde. Hij benadert zijn onderwerpen vanuit een originele invalshoek. Kijken naar de samenleving, ethiek, geschiedenis, geloof en liefde het komt allemaal voorbij.
Jan Stoel op literatuursite Hebban

En verder:

De omslagafbeelding heet In de nacht en is van Kees Koomen. De sfeer en de kleuren van het schilderij passen prachtig bij de inhoud. Wat de verhalen ook met elkaar verbindt, is de originele manier van kijken die uitgedrukt wordt in de stijl. Die is nu eens poëtisch, dan weer ironisch, maar altijd fraai met treffende beelden.
Yolande Belghazi-Timman op literatuursite Hebban

Uitgeverij In de Knipscheer

@ Hybrid Art Fair 2024

I presented four portraits from my series New Encounters in the EX-MÊKH exhibition ¿De Donde?. They represent people I notice on weekly walks to the Malieveld in Den Haag. I write a description in my telephone and mail it home. Then, in my studio, I paint the portraits in oilpaint on stone paper. I also write words from the texts in the painting. It is a hommage to Francisco Goya whose drawings and comments I admire greatly.
In the Petit Palace Hotel I presented two portraits on a background of text, written on the wall with one wollen thread and two portraits without backgrounds. Also, above the bed in the room I wrote a text with one red woolen thread: Her spine moved like a snake . The wall was almost black there with blue in it which contrasted beautifully with the red of the text. Maarten Schepers placed sculpture on the bed underneath which in one blink could have been paws of animals, maybe pre-historic, which would have suggested fossiles. On the other hand the work could also have been seen as flowers on a grave or a monument. This would have turned the bed into a place of memory. The contrast with my text, which to me has an erotic connotation, placed above the bed as it was, opened a lot of associations to me. It enables me to eleborate on this way of working.

Her Spine Moved Like a Snake
Maarten Schepers: Flowerfeet
A Sudden Fit of Melancholia
It looks Like They Are Dissolving
left: I Imagine Them Speaking French Inside
right: You Are Right, You Have a Good Point There

Benefit auction De Aanschouw

Auctionmaster Auke Triesschein hits the hammer, in this case for work of Toine “Dutch Bushman” Klaasen

De Aanschouw is the smallest gallery in The Netherlands. Until now it’s location is in the Witte de With straat in Rotterdam, better known for its terraces and art centres Melly and TENT. The gallery is a showcase across from where the NRC was once produced. Once the newspaper was ready for print the first newspaper to come out was shown in the showcase across the street, next to café De Schouw. The bar was famous for its clientèle amongst which artists, writers and editors of NRC. When De Aanschouw started it showed an art piece once a week. The initiators invited curators to present weekly art pieces. Daan den Houter, famous Rotterdam artist, started his project Overschilderschilderij here also. After painting a self-portrait he invited painters he knew to paint a new painting over it. Each new painter covered the preceding painting. This way the painting became a brick-like object , it has hundred forty-nine paintings covering it now. The new exhibitions of paintings and of the Overschilderschilderij always open at de wissel (the change), on Thursday night at 21.00 h.

Volunteers took care of the exhibitions and organisation of it and to get some working-capital they thought of an annual auction at the start of the season. This took place on the street in the Witte de Withstraat at the opening of the cultural season. Lately TENT invites De Aanschouw to do it in their space. Because of Corona the auction has been postponed for three years. This time it took place at the end of the season though, coinciding with the end of De Aanschouw at café De Schouw. The gallery-showcase will move to Café Ari at de Nieuwe Binnenweg in Rotterdam.

Auction assistent Maurice Meeuwisse showing my painting GREAT! which was sold at the auction

Because I had the honour to first show a painting in De Aanschouw and to paint a painting on the Overschilderschilderij . Later the organisation invited me to participate in the auction, which I did with pleasure.

EX-MÊKH in De Aanschouw 2015- Kees Koomen: Putin
Overschilderschilderij Kees Koomen: Malieveld – 2020

MÊKH-web opening

Foto’s van de opening van de EX-MÊKH tentoonstelling MÊKH-web. Ik heb wat leentjebuur gespeeld met permissie…

Met Connie van Driel

Frans van Lent prepareert zijn performance en Niels Post is met maarten Schepers in gesprek

Mijn jongste zusje en mijn nicht, die overigens art-consultant is, waren zichtbaar gelukkig met de expositie.

Met Stijn Peeters, Cees van den Burg, Jeroen Olberts

Met Philip Akkerman

Frans van Lent continueert de performance: “Don’t touch! I’ll come and fix this as soon as possible” – ongoïng.

Gaatje boren….


Maarten Schepers met Pim Piët

The Diaries (September 17 – October 6, 2019), een tijdens de tentoonstelling groeiende wandtekening! Elke dag krijgt een nieuwe aantekening.

In mijn dagboek beginnen zich mooie structuren te ontwikkelen!